Well, as my photos would suggest, I do some modeling. This, however, is little more than an entertaining side project for me. I'm a full-time attorney specializing in trademark, copyright and patent infringement litigation. I've been at it for 8 years now. So .... why take up modeling in my thirties? I get this question all the time so I figured I'll answer it right here. Ummm... I'd attribute it in small part to general boredom and in large part to an early mid-life crisis. As for the boredom.... well..... while many people seem to think my job sounds utterly fascinating, it is, in fact, excruciatingly boring the vast majority of the time. Thus, to the extent I can find the time to fit it in, I do some swimsuit and lingerie modeling as a fun and much needed diversion. Also, it keeps me from feeling borderline suicidal at the thought that I spend most days rotting behind a desk as the last remnants of my youthful attractiveness dissipate with each passing hour. (OK, so I can be a bit melodramatic. But you try spending 10-12 hours a day writing briefs on pharmaceutical patent infringement and tell me how depressed YOU get!) Trust me, anyone in my position would crave some mindless activity. Not to mention, I'm very much a girlie-girl, who LOVES lingerie, f*ck-me pumps, and basically any type of salacious garment or trampy outfit. :) I get pretty damn bored of suits and conservative 3-inch pumps everyday. So what better mindless hobby than one that also allows me to wear all the trashy things I love so dearly and occasionally get paid to be glamorous? ............................................................................................. Lately I've even been thinking how nice it would be to do it full time for few years..... put the law degree on a shelf and actually do something fun for a while. I figure you can always go back to practicing law with sagging breasts and a fat ass... but you can only model while that stuff is tight and in its full, upright position, right? Too bad I still have 90 grand in student loans.... Hmmmmmmm... better stick to my day job.. lol. .............................................. A final note: I am not on myspace to get dates, so would you PLEASE, PLEASE be so kind as to NOT ask me out. I AM SPOKEN FOR!!!! Myspace is a great way to keep in touch with my friends around the country, and occasionally meet genuinely nice people with something of value to offer. Also, it often puts me in touch with people who can advance my modeling "hobby" in some way. In that regard, I appreciate any such inquiries or proposals from photographers and the like, but if you're really just a bozo with a camera, please don't bother me. I don't have time for that shit.

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