About me:I'm the girl that kept you awake at night, tossing and turning. The one that you wanted to ask out but were too afraid. Well, I'm here now so don't miss your chance!I'm Dina Al-Sabah, a fitness model and IFBB professional figure athlete. You can find more about me by visiting my website at www.fitdina.com. Or if you are feeling extra daring, come over to my moderated board at GetBig.com, where my friends and I discuss matters relating to sex, dating, and relationships. Can you handle the heat?
Who I'd like to meet:Cool, open-minded people to discuss whatever. Feel free to add me as a friend and let's chat.
I was born in 1974 in Beirut, Lebanon and have been fortunate enough to have lived in over 7 different countries which enabled me to become fluent in 4 languages. My ethnic background is extremely mixed as I have ancestry from Kuwait, Turkey, Syria and East Africa. As a child, home was a constantly changing place, I hopped around from Italy to Egypt to Morocco where I ended up staying for 8 years while I attended the American School of Tangier.My athletic career started when I was about 5 years old. I started riding and proceeded to compete in show jumping events at the age of 10. While riding I also took up Ballet but I gave it up when my Ballet teacher said I had to choose between my horse and dance class.During high school I immersed myself in sports, and I was on the varsity basketball and volleyball teams. I was also captain of the track and field team during my senior year and ran the 100, 200 and 400 meter races. I was the queen of flexibility and sit-ups. I remember practicing sit-ups every night so that I could break the record for most sit-ups done in a minute. I also remember that I could not manage to do one pushup or even a lying pull-up!!!Upon finishing high school I spent 2 years in London getting my GCE's and then I went onto university in the US.I came to DC at the beginning of 1994, and started attending class at GWU. My major was Electrical Engineering with a pre-medical option. At this time since I had very few friends I spent a lot of time in the gym...but I had no clue what I was doing...In 1996 I started reading a lot more on fitness and bodybuilding and realized that diet was at the source of everything. I tried to manipulate my diet experimenting with low carb/high protein combinations and started noticing the beginnings of a six pack. I also started training a lot heavier, but I used to concentrate on my legs while neglecting my arms and upper body, just because I hated feeling the burn..and because those muscle were so weak.By 1997, I knew a little more about weight lifting, and I started trying to balance my physique by training my upper body a little heavier. It was then that I was approached by a couple of people who tried to convince me I should compete, but I wanted to have nothing to do with competing as it involved far to much discipline and dedication.Finally, in 1999 while finishing my Masters in Telecommunications and Computers I decided to take the plunge and try to compete. Once bitten by the competition bug there was no going back as you embark on a journey of constantly try to better your physique. In 2001 I decided to switch to Figure and Fitness and by 2002 I had won the largest regional shows on the east coast. I was hoping to go to Nationals to get a Pro Card, but I discovered that only US citizens may compete at Nationals in the US. I was told to ask my country of citizenship for a recommendation for professional status with the IFBB. Since I am from Kuwait, I knew that hell would freeze over before the Kuwaitis would allow me to compete on stage in a bikini. I decided that my only recourse was to petition the IFBB for a Pro Card. I sent in a petition explaining my situation, and with the help of Jim Manion, head of the NPC, I was finally awarded my Pro Card.I currently compete in the professional division of the IFBB in Figure. Competing professionally is a job unto itself since it requires so much time, dedication and sacrifice, but unfortunately in the women's divisions it is not lucrative at all.Currently I still reside in the DC area. I continue to maintain my career outside the fitness world and I view competitions as an obsessive hobby.

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