you were to ask those who know me, to describe me.. well I guess the common reaction would be for them to stop what they're doing, widen their eyes and say:
“She never stops, she’s got that passion, and that discipline, and she just keeps on going!…and her competitive edge…watch out cause here she comes!”
Well, I guess they’re right.. the journey, my journey, never ends. In whatever it is that I am doing, however the task or goal reincarnates, my passion and discipline exceeds all obstacles. I think I was just born with it because I felt it at such a young age, and that is why my journey started at such a young age.
My gymnastics career started at age 6. I would jump off swing sets, diving boards and anything else I could giving my parents a heart attack. I was FEARLESS!
Well my fearless passion created a 12-year gymnastics career with a well–know coach who was based out of Romania…and for anyone who asks, “How did you get those abs?” Well, hands down I give credit to my coach who started me doing up to 1000 ab exercises a day at 7 years old. The best conditioning ever that worked every muscle in my body, was through gymnastics. Anyone who is or was a competitive gymnast, knows exactly what I am talking about. You train muscles you never new existed.
From gymnastics, grew my passion for dance, considering dance is an integral part of gymnastics and the routining; and on top of that, in school I was also competitive in Volleyball, Track and Field, was Captain of the Cheerleading team and continued working out at the gym.
Once retiring from gymnastics at the age of 18, (yes so young but so old for a competitive gymnast) my journey and passions where still burning, so I continued with dance, in hip hop and jazz and then was introduced to Salsa dancing and Latin ballroom dancing. Well my on going hunger for Salsa dancing, led me to become a Professional Salsa Dancer, and a Member/Instructor, of
Strickly Salsa Dance Company based in Toronto, Ontario in which our team competed and performed within Canada and Internationally including the World Salsa Congress in Puerto Rico, New York and Los Angeles and Montreal. I guess you can start to see the trend for yourselves, when people say I never stop. I don’t know what it is, but it's in my blood! ...that feeling, that passion, it nourishes my soul, especially when I am on stage... here I come!
And now in my journey, my unstoppable fitness accomplishments have lead me to “explode” into this wonderful world of HEALTH & FITNESS! I am National Level Figure Competitor, placing 7th at this years 2006 Canadian Nationals and 3rd at the Ontario Figure Provincials. My other placings include: 1st in the IFBB Ontario National Qualifier in 2004, and 2nd at the National World Qualifier, 6th in the FAME Pro Figure Series in 2005, which immediately called for mass media recognition with many features including TSN, CablePulse 24, Rogers TV, Muscular Development, Oxygen Magazine, Pure Power Magazine and other various print ads!
Fitness is a lifestyle for me; it’s how I live…and whether you know me or not, my mission is to infect you with my passion.
…So anyway “Welcome to a taste of my world,” for those of you who know me, thanks for supporting me and for those of you new to my world, jump in, absorb my life, my passions, my commitments and my experiences through dance and fitness and whatever else God throws at me…